The Ruff Institute of Global Homelessness, a joint initiative by DePaul University and Depaul International, reached a new milestone in its aim of advancing international cooperation to bridge the gap between homelessness policy and practice.

In line with its advocacy goals, IGH has officially partnered with the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) to support the global effort of ending homelessness.

Following their achievements last year, which saw the UN issue a resolution outlining its first definition of global homelessness, in May 2021 the IGH signed a formal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to advance the goals of the resolution and operationalise the collaboration of UN bodies and Member States. In accordance with IGH’s ‘see it, solve it, and share it’ strategy, the MOU includes 3 key aims:

  1. to advance and plan for better global homeless data collection
  2. to raise awareness about the issue homelessness within the UN ecosystem
  3. to provide technical assistance and capacity building for Member States, UN bodies and local governments.

We would like to congratulate IGH’s success in securing this new partnership, which will steer us towards effective collaboration and strategy towards ending homelessness. Click here to find out more, and keep up to date through Facebook and Twitter.
